Unfortunately, there’s not enough time in the day. For some of us, there aren’t enough ideas in the can to create some of the best content out there. Sometimes I’m absolutely jealous of what others produce when they write. It’s like they’re masters at work in their use of the English language. I’m menial at best, but in my online reading, I find stuff that’s often too genius, funny witty or–most importantly educational–that I wish I would have come up with the idea first. In some cases, I did, but I failed to be the first to codify it on paper. Here are a few written or video posts from the week I wish I could claim as my own.
1. This is from the genius of Tim Ferris–in this case, from one of his guests–on how entrepreneurs are actually better at risk mitigation than risk taking:
Far from being one of the world’s great risk takers, Bill Gates might more accurately be thought of as one of the world’s greatest risk mitigators. And in that, he is not alone. The simple fact is that everyone is afraid of risk at some level…
While this post is older than the next two and does not involve video, it perfectly describes how I approach entrepreneurship–to a T.
2. In this video blog by local Seattle-ite Rand Fiskin, he discusses all the wrong ways to market. He stuff is always cogent and evergreen, but this one particularly hit home and went VERY well with #3 below.
3. Fred Wilson, threw up an interesting interview from theBlaze.com with Gary Vanerchuck. I spent the whole 40 minutes of the interview eating it up and finding more ways to improve. If you get a chance to watch the video, I recommend it. I’ll include it below, just in case. Gary himself is a little hyper, which I love. It shows how he’s able to just get things done. Love it. The principles he discusses are spot-on.
Loved each of these posts I picked up in my feed reader this week. I wish I could have been brilliant enough to come up with their content. Perhaps another day when I have more time.