The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is the domestic portion of federal statutory tax law in the United States implemented by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). […]
Startup businesses have several funding options available. One of the most popular forms of funding is to partner with an angel investor. An angel investor […]
What do the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Singapore, Ireland, and Bermuda have in common? Perhaps the term “tax haven” rings a bell. According to […]
M&A allows a company to achieve competitive positioning and accelerate growth in a way that is not achievable by organic means alone. Nonetheless, many M&A […]
When a potential buyer’s interest is piqued, they’ll want to review your financial statements in order to perform a valuation on the company. However, this […]
While we are constantly looking for ways to simplify and otherwise dis-intermediate the process of selling a business, the fact of the matter is, selling […]
We work with a lot of individual buyers. They’re a great group of scrappy entrepreneurs many of whom have built businesses from nothing and frequently […]