Investment Banking Blog

Welcome to the blog where we cover mergers, acquisitions and investment banking topics.

August 19, 2014

409a Valuations: Background & History

The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is the domestic portion of federal statutory tax law in the United States implemented by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). […]
August 17, 2014

409a Valuation Methods

In a liquidity event everyone wants to know how big their slice of the pie is, especially when stock options have been issued to incentivize […]
August 11, 2014

Startup Business & Personal Audit: A Complete Entrepreneurial Assessment Guide

So you have decided to start and run your own business, but have you given any thought as to the lifestyle you want to have? […]
August 10, 2014

Common Problems with PPMs and Angel Investors

Startup businesses have several funding options available. One of the most popular forms of funding is to partner with an angel investor. An angel investor […]
August 9, 2014

Two Certainties: Death & Taxes

What do the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Singapore, Ireland, and Bermuda have in common? Perhaps the term “tax haven” rings a bell. According to […]
August 9, 2014

Strategy vs. Fruition

M&A allows a company to achieve competitive positioning and accelerate growth in a way that is not achievable by organic means alone. Nonetheless, many M&A […]
August 1, 2014

Defend Your Business with Reliable Financials

When a potential buyer’s interest is piqued, they’ll want to review your financial statements in order to perform a valuation on the company. However, this […]
July 31, 2014

Timing Considerations When Selling Your Business

While we are constantly looking for ways to simplify and otherwise dis-intermediate the process of selling a business, the fact of the matter is, selling […]
July 18, 2014

Market Your Business: The Power of a CIM

When it comes to the M&A process of selling your company, the last thing you want to do is carelessly put the marketing materials together […]
July 16, 2014

Reasons Your Business Ain’t Worth 10X + A Few Ways to Get a Higher Multiple

We work with a lot of individual buyers. They’re a great group of scrappy entrepreneurs many of whom have built businesses from nothing and frequently […]