Investment Banking Blog

Welcome to the blog where we cover mergers, acquisitions and investment banking topics.

July 18, 2013

Can We Count on Social Security?

Most who are near or past the retirement starting line have some basic personal and business planning goals to preserve their cherished personal independence and […]
July 17, 2013

How to Start Your Own Private Equity Fund

The latest official news about the JOBS Act has many up-in-arms about the opportunities to fund and start a mini-private equity fund without the real […]
July 13, 2013

Selling Your Business: Predictable Questions in Due Diligence

In the event that your business becomes fodder for acquisition by an investor or investment group, you will most likely be required to go through […]
July 12, 2013

The Democratization of Capital

It’s been 80 years since entrepreneurs could legally perform a general solicitation. Getting slapped with some of the hard rules laid out by the SEC […]
July 12, 2013

How to Start Your Own Private Equity Fund

Methods of Solicitation Web/Social Media Direct Mail Telesales Lead Generation Angels vs. Devils (angels with experience vs. everyone else How to Get Minimally Subscribed What’s […]
July 5, 2013

Dealing With The Antagonizing Questions In M&A

Forgoing the M&A process can be a long and tedious experience that can leave a bad taste in nearly anyone’s mouth, especially if that individual […]
July 4, 2013

Entrepreneurial Investments in Real Estate

The realm of business planning and entrepreneurship involves a great deal of avenues. It involves marketing, recruiting, resource allocation, resource leveraging, and even financial planning. […]
July 2, 2013

Delivering Strategy

Your success is correlated with your ability to deliver results. Results are 1% strategy and 99% execution. Another word for execution is work. We tirelessly […]
June 27, 2013

Choosing An Exit Strategy That Fits Your Needs

Choosing an exit strategy can be a particularly difficult decision to make. Especially because it involves leaving the business you have built up and established […]
June 25, 2013

Four Questions to Ask When Researching Potential Buyers

An exit strategy may have been the last thing on your mind when you launched your business. But it shouldn’t have been. In fact, a […]